Experience the sub-regions of Barigadu and Guilcier means immersing oneself among the basaltic plateaus and landscapes of the Mediterranean scrub, between the Tirso River and Omodeo Lake, amongst an archaeological and historical-monumental heritage of great value.
Territories rich in history, culture, and natural beauty are ready to welcome all visitors who want to have a complete experience of the fascinating Sardinian hinterland.
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The presence of the impressive Lake Omodeo is not the only thing linking the 18 municipalities that form the Guilcier and Barigadu Unions.
It is also the desire to promote the development and knowledge of the area, offering visitors the opportunity to discover an exclusive natural heritage, in harmony with the communities that reside there and in respect of the cultural, historical, and environmental peculiarities of each place.

The acronym given to the Guilcier region comes from the combination of the ancient name of the capital Guilarze, with that of the post-judicial department Parte Cier Real.
The Union is made up of 9 municipalities: Abbasanta, Aidomaggiore, Boroneddu, Ghilarza, Norbello, Paulilatino, Sedilo, Soddì, Tadasuni.

The name of the Barigadu region is derived from the Latin term for crossing, as in the past, it was necessary to cross the Tirso River, today Omodeo Lake, to reach it.
The Union is composed of 9 municipalities: Ardauli, Bidonì, Busachi, Fordogianus, Neoneli, Nughedu S. Vittoria, Samugheo, Sorradile, Ula Tirso.